Hi, I'm
Sahil Bagga
{ Software Engineer }

I'm a college student who's passionate about building really cool things

About Me

I'm currently an undergraduate student at the
University of Michigan studying computer science.

I find building really cool things to be an exhilarating experience. It always excites me to embark on a challenging endeavor and I absolutely love the rush of excitement and adrenaline that comes as a byproduct of what I created. I know that it takes many great minds to construct an elaborate idea and, more importantly, understand and plan how to manifest it.

I'm naturally inquisitive and am a devoted life long learner. A cardinal virtue of mine is to aspire to inspire.

Fun fact: I once used a Domino's API to order pizza from my command line!
profile picture


Angular (Used For This!)
Google Firebase
Google Cloud Spanner
Stock Investing
Apache Spark


University of Michigan
Bachelors of Science in Computer Science Graduation: May 2021 - May 2023
Relevant Classes:
  • Intro to Data Structures and Algorithms

Michigan State University
Bachelors of Science in Computer Science | Minor in Data Science Attended: August 2019 - May 2021
Honors College

Relevant Classes:
  • Computational Modeling and Data Analysis in Python
  • Data Structures in C++
  • Discrete Structures in Computer Science
  • Calculus I
  • Calculus II
  • Data Structures & Algorithms
  • Calculus III

Google - (STEP) Software Engineering Intern May 2021 - August 2021
  • Created comprehensive internal full stack web application for Cloud appliance reservations combining various Google tools to eradicate conflicting reservation records and simplify engineering team workflow using Go and Angular
  • Developed appliance reserve, release, and extend functionalities including corresponding unit tests via backend functions using Go to efficiently perform read write operations on according Spanner tables
  • Designed and Implemented dynamic notifications system to automatically calculate remaining hours on reservation and send notifications to all reservation owners accordingly using Go and strategic SQL queries via Spanner
  • Completed development cycles via writing design docs for reservation system and notification system, implementing feature requests from team, refactoring, reviewing, and launching application internally
  • First member within my team to propose and efficiently implement Angular pipes for remaining hours calculations and mapping Spanner values to their according state to display on frontend table
  • Wrote comprehensive and detailed front-end and back-end unit tests and integration tests for Cloud appliance reservation application functions and features
RecVue - Software / Data Engineering Intern May 2020 - August 2020
  • Overhauled automated revenue aggregation reporting for period, quarterly, and yearly earnings for clients using Databricks, Spark, Scala, SQL
  • Reduced processing time for billions of input lines per client down from 4.45 minutes to 12 seconds to generate highly scalable and efficient revenue reports
  • Upgraded currency conversion algorithm to run 300% faster using Oracle DB and window functions to show clients revenue reports for all input currencies
  • Optimized entire file validation process for client input files from Oracle DB from 2 minutes to 10 seconds and deployed code to production
  • Assembled success and error dataframes depending on row level validity in input file and pushed to Oracle DB

Tri County Driving School - Front-End Web Developer November 2019 - January 2020
  • Designed and developed entire website for Tri County Driving School using Angular, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, and BootStrap
  • Used PayPal API to incorporate online customer payments for both pre-set and custom payment amounts
  • Embedded dynamic Google Maps widget to indicate location and driving distance for Tri County Driving School

2 The Last Detail - Front-End Web Developer March 2019 - June 2019
  • Designed and developed entire website for 2 The Last Detail using Angular, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, and BootStrap
  • Integrated dynamic user reviews using Google Firebase Firestore with date and timestamp of when review was posted
  • Created custom Gallery for users to see client's previous work
  • Compiled list of all services and pricing offered to customers and transformed into elegant simple UI page for accessibiliy
Project / Achievements
  • Created rental platform web app using Angular 5, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Firebase, and Bootstrap
  • Integrated user authentication with Google login, new account creation, and automated password reset
  • Engineered efficient item search algorithm using geolocation API and Firebase JSON structure
  • Devised price buckets tool to suggest optimal rental prices based on item retail price
  • Formulated reviews feature that displays user and time stamp of each review for each item
  • Implemented item upload for users including item picture, rental price, description, and location
  • Designing and building user dashboard as well as chat feature amongst users
Stock Market Trading Bot
  • Developed Python stock trading bot using data from Alpaca API to automate stock market trading for a select number of tickers across different industries
  • Trading algorithm entails ideal buy and sell percent changes and accounts for long and short term investments
  • Trading Bot generated over $200,000 in paper profit given $100,000 base to start with
Campus Path Finder
  • Created shortest distance route system to navigate between any two destiations on MSU campus in Python
  • Converted campus locations and paths into graph where locations were nodes and roads were edges
  • Implemented A* star path finder algorithm to dynamically measure next move, Dijistrka's algorithm, and DFS algorithms to build optimal path through campus
Sentiment Classifier
  • Built sentence sentiment classifier using machine learning tactics in Python
  • Implemented Trie data structure, Depth First Search, autocompletion, word frequency, model fitting and prediction algorithm to detect overall sentiment of a sentence based on frequency and sentiment of words
Time Management Web App
  • Built a Time Management Web App using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Google Calendar API, and a geolocation API
  • Takes in the user’s current location and is able to suggest nearby events to them which will automatically be added to their current Google Calendar
  • Used third party calendar API to create custom calendar UI for user that pulls events from the user's Google Calendar after having added the event to their Google Calendar
  • Allows users to see how they can fit new local events into their current schedules
  • Led my team as frontend developer to build event finder and time management web app at MHacks that finds nearby events and suggest them to users based on Google calendar availability
  • Upgraded website page load time by 50% and improved algorithm load time for finding events by 70%.
  • Developed social media term usage visualizer using Java
  • Reads file data to retrieve and visualize the occurrence of a certain word used by males and females across many different social media platforms
  • Developed clone of original breakout arcade game in Java created by Steve Wozniak
  • Used Java GUI and math + physics logic to keep ball moving correctly whenever it bounces off a surface
  • Game keeps track of user score and is able to restart the game at the end
  • Created image editing program using Java
  • Performs pixel computations to enhance and modify images such as equalizing, inverting color schemes, flipping horizontally, blurring, etc.
Math Base Converter
  • Developed Math base conversion program in C++ to convert different inputs to different bases
  • Program is able to convert from decimal to other bases and other bases to decimal
  • Can perform math operations between two different bases and convert result to any desired base
Secret Messages
  • Developed C++ program that redacts and hides entire or select parts of messages based on input parameters and self-destructs messages after a set limit of views allowed

Thanks for visiting!
Designed & Created By Sahil Bagga